The State University Of Zanzibar


Project Description.

The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar through the United Republic of Tanzania and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) have signed loan agreement to support the expansion of SUZA project.

BADEA contribution is US$ 13.4million which are in the form of soft loan and the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar will contribute 1.5 million dollars for the implementation of the Project.

The project aims to enhance Zanzibar objective towards growth and poverty reduction through Zanzibar Development Plans (ZADEP 2021/2026) in priority area III human Capital and Social Development that identifies tertiary education as one of the priority areas that can contribute to economic development in Zanzibar.

The project will contribute in achieving goal No. 4 of quality education and goal No. 5 equality gender of Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs) as well as goals No. 8 on quality education and skill revolution to support science, technology and innovation among the goals of Africa Agenda 2063.

The overall objective of this project is to increase access to quality higher education. This will be achieved by developing state of the art infrastructure, enhanced services and facilities at the State University of Zanzibar Tunguu campus. This endeavor will help in improving quality of education the University offers, working conditions and learning environment.

SUZA expansion project consists of the following main components:-

  1. Civil works and their ancillaries including:
    o Construction of administration block;
    o Construction of student center building;
    o Construction of school of education and language building;
    o Construction of staff housing;
    o Construction of sports facilities;
  2. Consultancy services
  3. Supply furniture and Equipment including supply furniture, educational and
    office equipment and vehicle.
  4. Project Management Unit

The University has established the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) from among the staff of the University. The PIU consists of Project coordinator, Engineer, Procurement expert, Accountant, Secretary and Driver.

Project Time-frame

The project will be implemented within three years timeframe spanning from
financial year 2024/2025 to 2027/2028