The State University Of Zanzibar



VC - Office

Office of Vice Chancellor
  • DLS = Department of Legal Services
  • PRMU = Public Relations and Marketing Unit
  • IAU = Internal Audit Unit
  • QAU = Quality Assurance Unit
  • PMU = Procurement Management Unit

DVC – ARC - Office

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic , Research and Consultancy
  • SKFL = School of Kiswahili and Foreign Language
  • SOE = School of Education
  • SNSS = School of Natural and Social Sciences
  • SMHS = School of Medical and Health Sciences
  • SCOPE = School of Continuing and Professional Education
  • SOB = School of Business
  • IoT = Institute of Tourism
  • DLS = Directorate of Library Studies
  • DGSR = Director of Research and Graduate Studies
  • GCKA = Global Center for Kiswahili Advancement
  • TROCEN = Tropical Research Centre for Oceanography, Environment and Natural Resources
  • CDL = Center of Digital Learning
  • DUS = Directorate of Undergraduate Studies
  • STR U = Student Relation Unit
  • EXAM U = Examination Unit
  • ADM U = Admission Unit

DVC - PFA - Office

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning, Finance and Administration
  • SWO = Student Welfare office
  • DP = Department of Planning
  • CCTS = Centre ICT Services
  • DPS = Directorate of properties and Services
  • PU = Property Unit
  • SU = Service Unit
  • DHR = Directorate of Human Resource
  • SWU = Staff Welfare Unit
  • CU = Compensation Unit
  • TDU = Training and Development Unit
  • DF = Directorate of Finance
  • RU = Revenue Unit
  • EXU = Expenditure Unit
  • FAU = Final Accounting Unit