The State University Of Zanzibar


Student Organization

Students of the State University of Zanzibar have board called the State University of Zanzibar Students’ Organization (SUZASO). All the registered SUZA students are members of SUZASO. Students elect a president annually who forms a government which forms an administrative link between the University Management and the Students.

The main objective of SUZASO and its government is to protect and promote the interests of the students that are in line with academic, professional, social and cultural ethics in all aspects of their lives during their stay at the University. Academic and Non- academic issues of the students are discusses at the Students’ Welfare Committee which is answerable to the Senate

  • To promote and maintain students interests during their studies at the University without violating any law governing the University;
  • To establish a proper system for communication between the University authorities and students as well as maintaining harmonious relations between students and staff of the University and the community at large;
  • To promote and maintain respect for learning and the pursuit of truth, and to ensure that every student understands his responsibility to educate at the best of his capabilities and to search knowledge for the betterment of human kind and in so doing cherish and promote academic freedom as an inalienable right of student at the University;
  • To stimulate and promote all desirable aspects of cultural development which inculcate the spirit in order to keep the University a fertile ground from which best talents are developed;
  • To perform duties and exercise all powers vested in or conferred on the Organization under any provisions of the law governing the University;
  • To act as intermediary between students and the University Administration, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, Government of the United Republic of Tanzanian and all other students sponsors through other Institutions;
  • To facilitate students participation in contemporary issues in which the Organization and University are interested;
  • To deliberate and take appropriate action on such matter that affect the general welfare of the students;
  • To endeavor to achieve its objectives devoid of political, social, religious, racial bias or any other form of discrimination;
  • To ensure equitable gender participation in students’ affairs at the University;
  • To do any such other things as may be neccessary to the achievement of the objectives of the Organization.
  • To initiate or undertake activities for benefit of the students
  • To organize debates, seminars, workshops, conferences, congress, study tours and symposia to enhance intellectual and socio-economic awareness of the students
  • To mobilize funds raising and sponsor students in academic fields in order to promote creativity and originality on matters of intellectual interest to the scholarly community
  • To publish, broadcast and print through the mass media in pursuance of students’ rights and their welfare in conformity with the objectives and status of the Organization through journals, books, news papers, leaflets, magazines, recording or any other means of presenting information to the public
  • To invite, after consultation with the Dean of Students, the distinguished personalities, to interact with the students of the Organization by way of lecture, panel or group discussions, workshops or any other means that would promote a healthily discussion of contemporary social, scientific and any other academic issue
  • To correspond and communicate or otherwise promote relationship between the Organization and any other organization which has similar objectives
  • To organize and co-ordinate students activities in pursuance of their welfares
  • To assist in the counselling of students with regard to their academic, social and disciplinary matters
  • To maintain and promote fraternal relations with other students’ institutions and alliances of higher learning Institutions in and outside Tanzania
  • To promote and maintain tranquillity, democracy and co-operation among students of the University regardless of differences in nationality and other diversities
  • To do any other thing that conforms to the objectives of the Organization.

News in SUZASO


Serekali ya wanafunzi wa chuo kikuu cha taifa Zanzibar – (SUZASO) imeweza kutoa mafunzo ya
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Serekali ya wanafunzi wa chuo kikuu cha taifa Zanzibar – (SUZASO) wakishirikiana pamoja na The
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