The State University Of Zanzibar

Institute of Tourism (IoT)

Institute of Tourism (IoT) is a post-secondary training academic and professional service provider in the development of the human resource capital in the field of tourism, hospitality, entrepreneurship and ICT industries.

Institute of   Tourism (IoT)

The Institute of Tourism was first established in 1992. under the technical assistance of UNDP and ILO through the project code UNDP/ILO/URT/90/024; and is entirely owned by the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar. 

Since its establishment, The Institute has undergone several changes from being a mere Training Center to fully flag Training Institute. The Institute was renamed from Training center to Hotel Training Institute.

With expansion of Tourism Industry in Zanzibar the government saw the need of strengthening the operational capacity of the institute thus in 1998, under the Act No 8 of the House of Representatives. The Institute was renamed to Zanzibar Institute of Tourism Development ZIToD in 2002, under the Ministry of Information, Tourism, Culture and Sports to become more autonomous and focused in providing more powers, role and direction to the Institute. 

The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar with the aim of strengthening capacity of staff and enhancing quality of programs offered by technical Institutions in Zanzibar, made a bold and decision in 2016 to merge three of its Institutions with the state University of Zanzibar. One of them was ZIToD. The merging came into effect in 2016 following the enactment of the state University of Zanzibar Act in 2016.

Our Vision

To become a learning Centre of excellence for human capital development in tourism, producing well qualified graduates with enquiry mind and entrepreneurial attributes able to cope with the ever growing demands in the Industry

Our Mission

IoT’s mission is to equip the learners with relevant and adequate competence—based education and training in tourism and hospitality industry in order to empower them to support their own livelihood as well as boosting national economy.


IoT Values

  • Producing qualified graduates that could satisfy industrial demands at individual, community, national and international levels.
  • Observing environmental morals pertaining to ecological and heritage protection.
  • Producing and retaining quality and qualified staff
  • Managing diversity related to gender and the marginalized.
  • Stimulating drive for self-employment and   maintaining unity and harmony at the work place.

Dr. Sharifa Omar Salim

Director of IoT

Dr Sharifa Omar Salim she is a director of Institute of Tourism (IoT) at the State University of Zanzibar – (SUZA). Dr Sharifa holds a Doctor of PhD in Business Administration – Finance and Investment (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), MBA – Finance and Investment (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Postgraduate Diploma in Tax Management (Institute of Finance Management) Advanced Diploma in Financial Administration (Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration)

Programs Offered

Our dedicated Staff have extensive experience and are enthusiastic about the courses they teach.

Undergraduate programmes

  • Bachelor of Art in Tourism Management and Marketing

Diploma programmes

  • Ordinary Diploma in Heritage Management and Tourism
  • Ordinary Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management.

Certificate programmes

  • Certificate in Hospitality Operations       
  • Certificate n Tour Guide Operations 
  • Certificate in Hotel Operations (Apprenticeship Program)

Academic Support

The Library.

The Institute library is growing to be a unique resource center for Hospitality and Tourism education in       Zanzibar. It houses a wide range of professional books and journals.

Practical training.

  • The institute has a big restaurant, a conference overlooking   room and green garden where     students apply their   theoretical knowledge into
  • Tour guiding students learning the history of one of the populated historical attraction in Zanzibar.
  • Food & Beverage students during practical drill   serving for mini meeting session with lunch in the   Institute conference room.
  • Food production students during practical drill in the IoT Training Kitchen.