The State University Of Zanzibar

School Of Bussines (SOB)

School Of Business is located about 30 kilometers away from Unguja town, at Chwaka village in Southern Region, Central District of Unguja, Zanzibar-Tanzania.

School of Business (SoB)

we are proud to introduce to you School of Business which was formally known as Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration (ZIFA).

Our School is Committed to develop students intellectually, professionally, and individually through rigorous programs that will distinguish our graduates as innovative thinkers, articulate communicators and business leaders.

Our Programs are of high quality, tailored to your career aspirations and fully registered and accredited by the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE), and recognized by the Tanzania Commission for University (TCU) and National Board of Accoutants and Auditors (NBAA), Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TIPSF) and Higher Education Students Loan Board (HESLB).

Campus is located about 30 kilometers away from Unguja town, at Chwaka village in Southern Region, Central District of Unguja, Zanzibar-Tanzania.

Our dedicated Staff have extensive experience and are enthusiastic about the courses they teach.

Our Mission

Creation of a centre of excellence to cater for the needs of people of Zanzibar in particular and Tanzania in general as well as to help the development of East African region.

Our Main Goals

Provision of access to lifelong learning opportunity to wide audience including general public, professionals, business community and residents of Zanzibar, Tanzania, and other regions.

Our Principle

  • Every individual has the ability to learn at a place that is suitable to him or her.
  • Every community member has the right of access to education and training.
  • Education and training are life-long and one can learn at any time of his or her life.
  • Education is a tool that is required by all individuals to enable them to fulfill their social and economic responsibilities.
  • Knowledge grows and expands and one needs to keep up with changing environment and face challenges accordingly.

Our Main Strategies

Running courses which are demand driven, more practical to the intended audience and are oriented to problem solving.
  • Targeting adult segment of the community and needy clients.
  • The use of both traditional and modern training methods and techniques including personal contacts, multimedia and cyber network.
  • Conducting programmes at appropriate and convenient times to trainees mostly in the afternoon’s evenings.
  • Allowing payment by instalments while attending the courses. 

Dr. Iddi Salum haji

Dean of SOB

Dr. Iddi Salum Haji is a lecturer at Accounting and Finance Department and Dean of the School of Business of the State University of Zanzibar starting 1st July 2017 at the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA).

Dr. Iddi Salum Haji studied his Doctor Degree of Economics in Industrial Economics with Concentration in Capital Market and Financial Engineering. 2014 –Wuhan University o Technology. Master of Science (Finance), 2005 Strathclyde University U.K. Bachelor degree BBA, (ACCOUNTING& FINANCE), 1998 – 2000 Zanzibar University – Tanzania….

Programs Offered

Our dedicated Staff have extensive experience and are enthusiastic about the courses they teach.

Undergraduate programmes

  • Bachelor Degree in Accounting and Finance
  • Bachelor Degree in Banking and Finance
  • Bachelor Degree in Procurement and Supply Management
  • Bachelor Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Diploma programmes

  • Ordinary Diploma in Financial Administration – Accounting
  • Ordinary Diploma in Procurement and Supply Management
  • Diploma in Information Communication Technology (ICT) with Accounting

Certificate programmes

  • Basic Certificate in Financial Administration