The State University Of Zanzibar

Professor Moh’d Makame Haji

Vice Chancellor


Welcome Message and Introduction of SUZA from VC

We are extremely delighted to welcome you all to the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA). We strongly recommend that you read this document carefully and with interest so that you may know SUZA and satisfy your curiosity. We are profoundly delighted that you have chosen to invest in your future with us.

It is our sincere hope that you will find it resourceful and you will endeavour to make full use of it during your stay at this University. This prospectus provides guidance for academic programmes, examination rules, and other academic regulations and requirements.

The State University of Zanzibar is a public University established by Act No. 8 of 1999 of the Zanzibar House of Representatives which was then amended by Act No. 11 of 2009 and further re-amended by Act No. 7 of 2016, Act No 1 Part 4 of 2019 and Act No. 13 of 2020. Currently, It consists of ten campuses that are found at equally beautiful but different locations within the islands. Nine campuses are located in Unguja, and one campus is in Pemba island. All campuses were inherited from higher learning institutions that merged with SUZA. Tunguu is the main SUZA campus, located about 12 km away from Zanzibar town. The campus is huge and decorated with a greenfield that offers a cutting-edge infrastructure of the world standard. It gives students a local alternative to some of the world’s most attractive learning environments.

The second campus is inherited from the first Teachers’ Training College in East Africa, the Nkrumah campus at Beit el Ras. This is located along the coast of the Indian Ocean, five kilometres away from Stone Town. Nkrumah is a unique and unparalleled campus in the region that is constantly and naturally decorated by glittering blue sea and white sand beach along the campus perimeter. Here, our students enjoy a very enriching learning environment along with the sea breezes.

Vuga, the third campus, is located in the heart of the famous and historic Stone Town. Zanzibar is proud of this campus, and it is magnificently conserved as part of the UNESCO World Heritage site that vividly manifests the rich culture and history of Zanzibar and its people. Thus, the Vuga campus is composed of old but well-kept historic structures that are surrounded by social amenities and public offices. Also in this historical town, SUZA has another campus within the Mnazi Mmoja Hospital building, which is dedicated to health-related discipline (Doctor of Dentistry).

The fifth campus is Maruhubi, which is situated along the Indian Ocean four kilometres from Zanzibar town centre and 14 kilometres from Zanzibar airport.

Chwaka is the sixth campus, located at Chwaka village, a scenic fishing village in Central District 30 kilometres from Zanzibar town. The seventh campus was inherited from what had been the College of Health Sciences at Mbweni. More new campuses that will house new schools are expected to be built in the near feature in accordance with the University’s strategic plan. These will be located in both Unguja and the sister island of Pemba.

The eighth campus is Kilimani Campus, around two kilometres from Zanzibar Town centre, inherited from the former Zanzibar Journalism and Media College. Lastly is Kizimbani Campus, which is specifically dedicated to Agricultural Programmes. Kizimbani Agricultural Training Institute previously used the campus.
The Benjamin Mkapa campus is located in Mchangamdogo, in Pemba Island. This campus is inherited from the Benjamin Mkapa Teachers’ Training College.

Currently, the State University of Zanzibar consists of the School of Kiswahili and Foreign Languages (SKFL), the School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE), the School of Education (SoE), the School of Natural and Social Sciences (SNSS), the School of Health and Medical Sciences (SHMS), the School of Business (SoB), the School of Dentistry (SoD), School of Agriculture (SoA), the School of Computing, Communication and Media Studies (SCCMS), Institute of Tourism (IoT), the Directorate of Graduate Studies and Research (DGSRC), Global Centre for Kiswahili Studies and Advancement (GCKSA), the Tropical Research Centre for Oceanography, Environment and Natural Resources (TROCEN), the Directorate of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), the Center for Digital Learning (CDL) and the Center for ICT Services. Other institutes and schools will be established as demanded by the Act and as the University grows.

The School of Kiswahili and Foreign Languages (SKFL) has been teaching Kiswahili, Arabic, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and education studies for many years at the diploma and degree levels. Recently, Chinese has been added to the list of foreign languages. Through the school’s Department of Kiswahili for Foreigners, SUZA has been teaching Kiswahili to international students from around the world. The School continues to upgrade the existing programmes. In addition to programmes at the undergraduate level, the school offers programmes at Master and PhD levels. SKFL is indeed a one-stop centre for foreign languages and Kiswahili.

The School of Education (SoE) offers Diploma in Inclusive and Special Needs Education (Dip. ISNE) and Diploma in Physical Education and Sport Sciences (Dip. PESS). The school also provides professional education courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Education (B.A. Ed), Bachelor of Science with Education (B.Sc. Ed), Bachelor of Science and Information Technology with Education, Diploma in Languages with Education (DLE), and Diploma in Science with Education (Dip. Sc. Ed). In the 2017/2018 academic year, the School started to offer a master’s degree in Education (Master of Education in Youth, Gender and Development and Master of Education in Teaching Kiswahili to Speakers of Other Languages) and 2020/2021 academic year Master of Education in Language Education. These programmes are intended to prepare prospective teachers to respond to the fast-changing world. Our courses are anticipated to prepare novice and experienced teachers to be education leaders, teach effectively and transform the world of education. This is vital for the development of the country.

The School of Natural and Social Sciences (SNSS) offers programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The undergraduate Programmes include a Bachelor of Arts and Science with Education, Bachelor of Arts in Geography & Environmental Studies (BAGES), Bachelor of Arts in History and Archaeology (BAHA), Diploma in Computer Science (DCSc), Diploma in Science with Education, Diploma in Information Technology and Diploma in Social Work. The School also offers postgraduate programmes in Chemistry (MSc-Chem), Environmental Sciences (MSc – EnvSc) and Master of Science in Climate Change and Natural Resources Management (MSc.CNM).

The School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) offers Certificate in Computing Technology, Certificate in Librarianship & Information Studies, Diploma in Librarianship & Information Studies and Computer Application Course.

The School of Health and Medical Sciences (SHMS) aims to establish the programmes designed to produce much-needed health professionals. The overall objectives of the programmes within the SHMS will be to produce quality and relevant health professionals, doctors, nurses, laboratory scientists, and pharmacists who can tackle present and future health issues; to provide human resources for health within and outside the region; and identify and describe the most important health issues in the local and international context. The School offers a Doctor of Medicine (MD), a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health (BSc EH), a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery, a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences, a Diploma in Clinical Medicine, a Diploma in Environmental Health Sciences, a Diploma in Pharmaceutical ciences and a Diploma in Physiotherapy.

The School of Business, formerly known as the Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration (ZIFA), was established by the Presidential Order of 2nd July 1998. This was mandated by the official Act No.1 of 2002. The alarming scarcity of accountants in the middle-level class forced the Government of Zanzibar to establish an Institute which would teach as many middle cadre accountants as possible. Therefore, ZIFA was established to cater for that need. Following its merge with SUZA, it became the School of Business. The School offers Bachelor degree in Financial Administration – Accounting, Bachelor’s degree in Banking and Finance, Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology with Accounting, Bachelor of Enterpreneurship and Innovation, an Ordinary Diploma in Financial Administration – Accounting, an Ordinary Diploma in Information Technology with Accounting, Ordinary Diploma in Procurement and Supply Management and Basic Certificate in Financial Administration.

School of Dentistry is the newly established school located at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital campus and is currently offering a Diploma in Dental Therapy and Doctor of Dental Surgery Programmes. It is aimed at producing competent and qualified dental surgeons who will work hand-in-hand with other health experts in improving health services in Zanzibar.

The School of Agriculture (SoA) was previously known as Kizimbani Agricultural Training Institute (KATI), having the main task of offering agricultural technical training at certificate and diploma levels. SoA offers certificates, diplomas and bachelor’s degree programmes in Agriculture.

The School of Computing, Communication and Media Studies (SCCMS) was established following the merging of the Zanzibar Journalism and Mass Media College (ZJMMC) with the State University of Zanzibar. All teaching, research and consultancies related to computing and media studies are under this School. Its mission is to be a premier centre of training and innovation in the fields of computing, communication, media and applied informatics that will attract students from across Eastern Africa.

The Institute of Tourism, which was formerly known as Zanzibar Institute of Tourism Development (ZIToD), is a post-secondary training academic and professional service provider in the development of human resource capital in the field of tourism, hospitality, entrepreneurship and ICT industries. The Institute offers a Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Management and Marketing (BATMM), a Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management, a Diploma in Heritage Management and Tourism, a Certificate in Front Office Operations, a Certificate in Housekeeping and Laundry, a Certificate in Food Preparation and Pastry, a Certificate in Food and Beverage Sales and Services and a Certificate in Tour Guiding.

We at the State University of Zanzibar will do all we can to support you through your studies. Our Library will be your most resourceful facility as you study at SUZA. It has a good number of books, journals, encyclopediae, magazines and newspapers. The main library is at Tunguu campus. Other libraries are located at Vuga Campus and Nkrumah Campus. Students are encouraged to use this facility as much as they can.

Your learning environment will also be made comfortable by the availability of computer laboratories and other learning resources. The objective of the University is to make its students computer literate. Do not finish your studies and leave the University without knowing the use of the computer and exploring the use of ICT for lifelong learning.

There is a French Resource Centre. The centre provides training on French Language. It gives French magazines, movies and books to those interested inside and outside the University.

By choosing to study at SUZA, you can be sure you will develop the skills and attributes needed to succeed in your career of choice. I ensure you have made the right choice by having chosen this University as your new home. Welcome to the State University of Zanzibar.


Associate Professor. Moh’d Makame Haji
Vice Chancellor
November, 2023