The State University Of Zanzibar


Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi’s tenure as both President of Zanzibar and Chancellor of SUZA reflects his dedication to public service and development. His leadership in promoting healthcare, security, and education marks significant strides towards the progress of Zanzibar and Tanzania as a whole.

Chancellorship at SUZA: As the Chancellor of The State University of Zanzibar, Dr. Mwinyi has emphasized the importance of research and higher education in driving development. Under his leadership, SUZA has aimed to strengthen its research capabilities and expand its academic programs to meet the evolving needs of Zanzibar and the region​.

Medical Career: Before entering politics, Dr. Mwinyi built a reputable career in medicine. He worked as a physician and specialized in cardiology, contributing significantly to the healthcare sector in Tanzania.

Political Career: Dr. Mwinyi transitioned into politics, joining the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party. He held several significant positions within the Tanzanian government, including:

  • Member of Parliament for Kwahani constituency in Zanzibar
  • Minister of Health and Social Welfare
  • Minister of Defence and National Service

In these roles, he was known for his dedication to improving healthcare services and national security.

Presidency: On November 3, 2020, Dr. Mwinyi was sworn in as the 8th President of Zanzibar after winning the election. His presidency has focused on promoting economic development, healthcare improvements, and enhancing educational standards in Zanzibar.

Personal Life: Dr. Mwinyi is known for his commitment to public service and his contributions to both the medical and political fields. He continues to be an influential figure in Tanzanian politics and education.

Dr.Hussein Ali Mwinyi

Chancellor of The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), President of Zanzibar, Chairman of the Revolutionary Council

Academic Qualification

  • Specialization in Pulmonology (Respiratory Medicine) at the University of Manitoba, Canada (1992-1994)
  • Postgraduate studies in Internal Medicine at the University of Dar es Salaam (1991-1992)
  • Medical Degree (MD) from the College of Medicine, University of Dar es Salaam (1984-1989)
  • Secondary Education in Tambaza High School, Dar es Salaam (1981-1983)
  • Secondary Education in Zanaki Secondary School, Dar es Salaam (1977-1980)
  • Kurasini Primary School, Dar es Salaam (1970-1976)