The State University Of Zanzibar


Dr. Iddi Salum Haji is a lecturer of Accounting and Finance Department and Dean of the School of Business of the State University of Zanzibar starting 1st July 2017 at the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA).

Dr. Iddi Salum Haji studied his Doctor Degree of Economics in Industrial Economics with Concentration in Capital Market and Financial Engineering. 2014 –Wuhan University o Technology. Master of Science (Finance), 2005 Strathclyde University U.K. Bachelor degree BBA, (ACCOUNTING& FINANCE), 1998 – 2000 Zanzibar University – Tanzania. Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education, 1992-1994 Lumumba Secondary School. Certificate of Secondary Education Jan 1991-November1991 Lumumba Secondary School. Secondary education 1988-1990, Hamamni Secondary School. Primary education 1980-1987, Shaurimoyo Primary School.

Also Dr. Iddi Salum Haji success to study various Short Course & Seminar Attended are as follow

  • Economic Management and Budget Analysis by ESRF, August 2019 
  • Training on curriculum development delivered by TCU 2017
  • Training on curriculum development delivered by NACTE 2016
  • Training on Quality on preparation Assurances report  June 2016 
  • Microsoft Excel Training for Costing Exercise, June 2008, Zanzibar.
  • Training of Trainers Course on Poverty Analysis, March 2007, Zanzibar.
  • Microsoft Power Point Presentation Techniques March 2007, Zanzibar.
  • Quickbooks 2005, August 2007, Zanzibar.
  • Tally Accounting package ,February 2009,Dar-es -Salaam
  • Intensive Government Accounting and Procurement Advancement programme. March 2002, Zanzibar.

Work Experience

  • Dean of the School of Business of the State University of Zanzibar starting 1st July 2017
  • Acting Principal from 11th July 2016 to 18th August 2016, Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration.
  • Chief Academic Officer from 2nd March 2015 to 30th June 2017, Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration.
  • Acting Head of Department of General Studies and Short courses from 24th September 2014 to 1st March 2015
  • Instructor of Accounting, finance, entrepreneurship and Mathematics subjects starting August 2002 to .., School of Business-SUZA (formerly Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration)
  • Part-time Instructor at Zanzibar Institute of Tourism Development, 2007 to 2011.
  • Part-time Instructor at Zanzibar University, 2004 to 2006

Dr. Iddi Salum Haji

Dean of School of Bussiness in SUZA

Academic Qualification

  • Doctor Degree of Economics in Industrial Economics with Concentration in Capital Market and Financial Engineering. 2014 –Wuhan University o Technology
  • Master of Science (Finance), 2005 Strathclyde University U.K
  • BBA, (ACCOUNTING& FINANCE), 1998 – 2000 Zanzibar University – Tanzania

Contact Details


  • Facilitator of entrepreneurship and Business training from 2014 to date
  • Facilitator of Monitoring and evaluation course


  • A Comparison of the Energy Policies in Developing Countries: a Case of Tanzania and China. The 2013 International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Humanities and Management (ASSHM2013) December 14-15, 2013 Guangzhou-China. Atlantis Press ISBN (on-line) 978-90-78677-93-2available at
  • Do Stock Market Development Variables and Economic Growth Variables have a similar Relationship in Different Countries? The Thirteenth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business. May31-June 1, 2014. Alfred University Press. ISBN 978-0-9800510-7-0.
  • The Relationship of the Stock Market Prices on Exchange Rate and Market capitalisation: the Case Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange in Tanzania. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) Vol.5, No.10, 2014.Available at:
  • The Relationship between Capital Market Development and Economic Growth: The Case of Bangladesh. International Conference of Information Science and Management Engineering Volume: 62 (Haji, Iddi & Jianguo, W. (2014). The relationship between capital market development and economic growth: the case of Bangladesh. 1445-1450. 10.2495/ISME20141912.)
  • Mashindano,O., Shaame, AJ., Haji,IS., Msaraka,SS., Rajab, MJ.and Abeid, AR (2009) Policy Brief: Status of human development in Zanzibar. UNDP.
  • Participation in Zanzibar Human Development Report 2009: Towards pro poor Growth
  • Mushi, DP., Ali, S.S and Haji, IS (2009), MKUZA Financing and Strategic Allocation of Resources into Areas that Support Pro-Poor Growth (Draft Report)