The State University Of Zanzibar


Dr. Hashim Hamza Chande is a Deputy Vice-Chancellor Planning, Finance and Administration in the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA). Dr Hashim Hamza Chande holds a PhD in Agricultural Education and Extension (Titled: Assessment of farmers’ use of mobile phones in communicating agricultural information in Magharibi (A) District, Zanzibar) at Sokoine University of Agriculture, P. O. Box 3000, Morogoro, Tanzania in November, 2014. His Master of Science in Information System (Titled: Design and Development of Web-based database information system in Zanzibar) at Kampala International University, P. O. Box 20000, Kampala, Uganda in January, 2007 to November, 2009, His Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension (Titled: Assessment of newsletter in communicating with farmers) at Sokoine University of Agriculture, P. O. Box 3000, Morogoro, Tanzania. in September 1999 to November, 2002. His Diploma on Horticulture at MATI – Tengeru, P. O. Box 1253, Arusha, Tanzania. in September 1996 to June, 1998. His Certificate on General Agriculture at MATI – Ilonga, P. O. Box 66, Kilosa – Morogoro, Tanzania. in July 1987 to June, 1989.

Dr. Hashim Hamza Chande also hase takken varrious course such as at 1st – 5th April, 2019, Plot course on Landscape Climate Smart Agriculture at Stone Town, Zanzibar – Tanzania. 18th – 29th May, 2015, Training course on Media Design for Social Changes at CDI, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 6th – 26th September, 2012, Seminar on Information Technology Application in Agriculture for Developing Countries” at Nanjing, China. 23rd – 25th May, 2012, Indian Ocean Islands Communication correspondents training workshop on Agro-ecological resources at Mauritius. 16th – 20th January, 2012, Web 2.0 for Development training workshop at Kizimbani Agricultural Institute, Zanzibar, Tanzania. 21st – 25th November, 2011, Information and Communication Strategy Development training workshop at Kampala, Uganda. 1st – 3rd June, 2011, GBIF Integrated Publishing Toollkit v. 2 (IPT) training workshop at Dar – es – Salaam, Tanzania. 4th – 12th April, 2011, Computerized Accounting Package (Software) Accounting and Inventory training certificate at Maruhubi, Zanzibar. 1st – 10th March, 2010, Remote Sensing and GIS for Biosphere reserve management in the light of Climate Change certificate at Arusha – Tanzania. July 2009 to August, 2009, CISCO Certified Network Administrator (CCNA) certificates, at MONACO-LAB, P. O. Box 26409, Kampala, Uganda. 7th November to 2nd December, 1994, Certificate Course on MS-Windows certificate at Karume Technical Collage, Zanzibar. January, 1993 to June, 1993, International Course on Graphic Design certificate at Graphic Media Development Center, P. O. Box 20014, The Hague, Netherlands

Dr. Hashim Hamza Chande

Deputy Vice for Planning, Finance and Administration

Academic Qualification

  • Primary education at Kiswandui Primary School, Zanzibar
  • Secondary education (O-Level) at Tumekuja Secondary School, Zanzibar
  • Certificate on General Agriculture at MATI - Ilonga, P. O. Box 66, Kilosa - Morogoro, Tanzania
  • Diploma on Horticulture at MATI - Tengeru, P. O. Box 1253, Arusha, Tanzania
  • Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension (Titled: Assessment of newsletter in communicating with farmers) at Sokoine University of Agriculture, P. O. Box 3000, Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • Master of Science in Information System (Titled: Design and Development of Web-based database information system in Zanzibar) at Kampala International University, P. O. Box 20000, Kampala, Uganda
  • PhD in Agricultural Education and Extension (Titled: Assessment of farmers’ use of mobile phones in communicating agricultural information in Magharibi (A) District, Zanzibar) at Sokoine University of Agriculture, P. O. Box 3000, Morogoro, Tanzania.

Contact Details

Employment Records and Possition Held

In The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor Planning, Finance and Administration in the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA)November 2022 to date
  • Accounting Officer of the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA)November 2022 to date
  • Dean School of Agriculture (SoA) of the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA)September 2020 to November 2022
  • Project coordinator to response to COVID-19 pandemicMarch 2020 to June 2021
  • Head, Center for Digital Learning (CDL) of the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA)January 2020 to October 2021
  • A fulltime Lecturer at a School of Agriculture (SoA) Kizimbani campus of SUZA on various agriculture related programsAugust 2019 to date
  • Subject Project Lead (ICT) of the Zanzibar Improving Students Prospects Project (ZISP) at SUZADecember 2019 to date

Employment Records and Possition Held

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources
  • Head of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) unit at the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Livestock and Fisheries, Zanzibar as a Chief ICT Office
  • Head of ICT and Senior tutor at Kizimbani Agricultural Training Institute (KATI).
  • Head of Agricultural Extension Services as a Chief Agricultural Extension officer at the Commission of Agriculture, Research and Extension of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment, Zanziba
  • Project Coordinator of Urea Molasses Mult-nutrient Block (UMMB) Project financed by FARM-Africa and implemented under the Commission of 6 Agriculture, Research and Extension of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment, Zanzibar
  • Head of Agricultural Information Communication and Education (ICE) Unit at the Commission of Agriculture, Research and Extension of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment, Zanzibar
  • Graphic designer within the Agricultural Extension Division
  • Subject Project Lead (ICT) of the Zanzibar Improving Students Prospects Project (ZISP) at SUZA