The State University Of Zanzibar

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (DCSIT)

The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) has identified Computer Science and Information Technology as its unique selling point and seeks to distinguish itself from other training providers on this basis. In line with this goal, the Department has invested in offering courses that catch up with current trends in computing technologies

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (DCSIT)

The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) has identified Computer Science and Information Technology as its unique selling point and seeks to distinguish itself from other training providers on this basis. In line with this goal, the Department has invested in offering courses that catch up with current trends in computing technologies. Among areas of priorities are mobile and web, reflecting to the current and future needs in computing. As part of major University reform programme, our programmes are supplemented with management and communication skills in order to prepare our graduates in a better position in labour market competition. Modules in innovation and entrepreneurship are also meant to change graduates mentality from that of seeking employment to that of job creators.

Department offers these programmes in two streams: Computer Science which focuses on building scientific grounding of computing, and Information Technology which focuses on equipping students with up to date knowledge on new technologies and their applications. These programmes are being offered at Undergraduate level as well as pre-undergraduate: Diploma and Certificate.


To be a regional and global model of academic excellence in computing, research, innovation, and competency for driving technological advancement and societal transformation


To offer demand-driven computing programs that produce high-quality graduates through innovative research, excellence in education, inclusivity, and impactful community engagement, addressing evolving industrial and society needs.

Core Value

The Department of Computer Science an Information Technology (DCSIT) values are based on innovation, collaboration, excellence, integrity, adaptability, sustainability, competence, efficiency and quality in the academic and administrative.

Research, Project, Publication


Members of DCSIT have been focusing in several research areas including: network security, geo-informatics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, e-learning, and natural language processing.


Projects include: Remote Lab for Engineering (RL4ENg.),


Counting objects, inside and outside, longer and shorter, letter names, rhyming words, and more.


Bachelor of Information Technology with Accounting (BITA)

Department : Computer
Campus : Chwaka
Level : Undergraduate
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Bachelor of Information Technology, Application, and Management (BITAM)

Department : Computer
Campus : Tunguu
Level : Undergraduate
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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSc. CS)

Department : Computer
Campus : Tunguu
Level : Undergraduate
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Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)

Department : Computer
Campus : Tunguu
Level : Diploma
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Diploma of Science in Computer Science (DCS)

Department : Computer
Campus : Tunguu
Level : Diploma
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Master of Science in Information Technology (MScIT)

Department : Computer
Campus : Tunguu
Level : Master
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Head of Department of Computer Science and IT

Dr. Omar Haji Kombo

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